I'm Going to Tell You a COVID-19 Story
Yes, I'm going to tell you a COVID-19 story. And I hope that someone who reads it also knows someone who does epidemiological research and passes it on to them.
My nephew lives in New York City, and he has had an amazing time living in the city --- trying to live through these pandemic times. This past Spring, his girlfriend came down with COVID-19. She went out of their apartment more often than he did. One day she didn't feel well and decided to get a coronavirus test, and found she was positive. She ultimately recovered from the virus, but even though they were in a close relationship, my nephew never tested positive even though he was tested multiple times.
Now, the rest of the story as I see it.
My mother and dad were born in 1916 and 1918, respectively. This means that they both lived through the 1918-19 flu pandemic, when millions did not live. If we think about this it was herd immunity* that ended that pandemic. (*See one of my previous blogs). So, after hearing about my nephew's situation, I wondered for several days: how could that be? When my mom was alive, I always used to say to her, I can never remember when you have ever gotten the flu? And that was true, I never knew her to have had it. And she never got the flu shot until very late in life.
What I am wondering is: did she have some coronavirus immunity that the epidemiological research groups are missing? If that is the case, my nephew and anyone from my parents family tree would also have that immunity.
Just sayin'!
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