The Importance of Human Touch

The Importance of Touch
I am writing once again a summary from Dr. Rangan Chatterjee's book: The Stress Solution. This week's blog is a summary of chapter 4 --- "Human Touch." I am focusing on this because we are all starving for it right now.         When I orginally read this chapter I was amazed at all of the research that he did, and some of the findings that he came up with.        The main thing he said in this chapter was that a lack of human touch in your life can have devastating consequences.              I believe it. I am a touchy/feeling type of person. I hug, kiss cheeks etc. When I'm in the classrooom I often have to "move" students back in their seats to get to the student that is having an issue with their computer. All of that is gone now. My poor cat, Charlie, has never gotten so many back rubs and brushings.

Dr. Chatterjee says, "As our social world is becoming increasingly visual and digital, it's easy to forget the power of touch in human relations." He adds that  human touch can slow down our heart rate, lower blood pressure and reduce cortisol levels.

He quotes one of the top researchers in the world on human touch, Prof. Francis McGlone, Liverpool John Moores University, who says that human touch is not just a sentimental human indulgence, it is a biological necessity. 

Where are we all going to be after 6 months of this?

Prof. McGlone recommends that simply stroking your skin can soothe the HPA axis and lower cortisol levels. The HPA axis is the hypothalmic-pituitary-adrenal, which effects the C-tactile afferents. The CT afferents stimulate the limbic system, which is located in the deep brain system. That's why putting body lotion on, or even spf sun lotion, or taking a hot shower feels so good. McGlone continues, "Pleasant, affective touch also directly lowers our stress levels by increasing the tone of the para- sympathetic nervous system, which puts us into a thrive state."

Dr. Chaterjee ends the chapter with the following advice:
  • If you can, hug someone every day
  • If you have children, hug them everyday
  • Book a massage --- when you can!
  • Give someone a pat on the back when giving them praise!


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