Current Covid-19 Cases in Hampden County

 In this week's blog I decided to try to do a statistical comparison featuring Hampden County as the focal point. I will be using Hampden County's stats and compare them to the state and national statistics.

For example, Hampden total cases are 7,637 and total deaths are 729, which is 6.1% of the state of Massachusetts' total. The detected case to death ration is 10.5%. Of the 14 counties in Massachusetts, Hampden ranks number 8th in Massachusetts' Covid-19 cases, and number 1 county in Western Massachusetts.     

Right now, nationally, there have been 5,506,929 detected cases and 172,416 deaths, with an expected 200K by the end of the year. But nationally, or since yesterday, there were 46,500 new cases and 1,404 deaths. If this death total stays the same or even goes down a bit, it could only take until the end of September beginning of October to hit the 200K mark.

In the map below, the darker the color, the more cases that area has or has had. The interesting thing about this is that it is said that virus normally likes colder temperatures than hotter. This virus is showing antithetical behavior.

FOLLOW-UP: Dr. Yael Yonker, Mass General Hospital pediatric researcher has just published a new research paper that totally support the information in a previous blog [] that I recently posted. When I get the research data I will post it here.

UPDATE: (August 25, 2020) No new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, and no deaths in Hampden County for past week.

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